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Wedding Apparel Cheongsam
  • Wedding Apparel Cheongsam

Wedding Apparel Cheongsam

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11-50 people
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null Day(s)
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Product Description
The silk frog decorative painting Prosperity Brought by the Dragon and the Phoenix has combined the silk material with the dishing technique of the traditional cheongsam. The golden dragon and the phoenix in the traditional legend of China have been handmade. In the whole picture, the dragon and the phoenix have taken up half of the picture respectively. The dragon is flying up high, opening its mouth, twisting his body, and looking back to the phoenix; The phoenix is opening her wings, warping her tail, and looking into the eyes of the dragon. The auspicious clouds around them are adding up the harmony. In the traditional Chinese view, both the dragon and the phoenix represent the auspicious and lucky.

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Wujiang Sangshang Silk Co., Ltd.
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